Book an Author Pioneers a New Platform for Literary Connections

NEW YORK, March 1, 2024 — In a spirited celebration of Read Across America in schools, Book an Author will proudly unveil its commitment to fostering diversity in the world of literature.

The platform, launching in mid-April 2024, will aim to disrupt the publishing industry and take a proactive stance to promote authentic storytelling through literary events.

Book an Author recognizes the importance of steering the narrative toward positive and inclusive experiences when it comes to connecting authors with their readers. Once launched, the platform will encourage communities nationwide to embrace diverse literature and support local authors during events like Read Across America.

Book an Author’s co-founder Yobe Qiu, who is a local New York-based indie published author and serial entrepreneur, expresses the significance of this initiative: “Read Across America is an opportunity to celebrate the diversity of literature. Book an Author is dedicated to ensuring that every reader, regardless of background, can connect easily with the authentic stories that are reflective of our communities.”

Book an Author builds connections between local authors and educational institutions, bookstores, and non-profit organizations. Institutions can now easily find local authors for their events within their budgets. Book an Author is aiming to launch next month, in mid-April 2024.

About Book an Author:

Book an Author is a nationwide matchmaking platform for authors and institutions, offering a seamless one-stop-shop for all literary needs. Book an Author aims to disrupt the publishing industry by making authentic storytelling accessible and increasing diversity in K-12 literary events. To learn more, please visit, or request more information via ing levels allow you to give your talent, your products, and your organizations the visibility they need all in once place. Sign up and get started right away! As always, if you’re an institution, it’s FREE to sign up and access all the authors and services that you’re looking get connected with in your area or nationally.

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